Posts Tagged ‘control freak’

Are you living with a control freak

September 13, 2008

If you want to know whether you are living with a control freak or not, read some of the signs below and you will be enlightened:

They tell you how to spend all the money.

They will tell you what to wear or that they don’t like hell you they don’t like how you dress without caring about your feelings.

Don’t be surprised if they take the car keys away when you decide to go out.

They will give you one check from the checkbook instead of trusting you with the entire checkbook.

They will ask to see all the receipts that you spent money on.

They will even tell you how you should drive and at what time to turn on your blinkers.

They will call you constantly throughout the day to see where you are and what you are doing.

They won’t give you access to the bank account or look at any bills when they come in.

They will start a quarrel with you for no apparent reason.

They take everything literal and out of context.

They are insecure and will blame you for their insecurity and everything else.

They will tell you that you are the one with the problem.

Does this sound like you are living with a controlling freak?